A few tips for increasing potency

A man thinks about how to safely increase potency

The ability to have an erection in a man reaches a maximum around the age of 20, then gradually begins to decrease. Here are some tips for those who face the problem of potency reduction.

Causes of erectile dysfunction

Before taking any action, if a dysfunction is observed, you should determine the cause of the violation of potency. In this case, it is best to contact a specialist who will diagnose and determine the cause of the disease.

Potency disorders can be conditionally divided into two groups - organic and psychological. The first group includes forms of pathology caused by organic changes in the genital organs, that is, age-related changes, injuries or malignant tumors. The second, more common group includes forms of pathology that develop against the background of stress, neurosis, neurasthenia or other mental abnormalities.

In the absence of pathologies, it is possible to prolong an erection or stimulate libido without the intervention of a doctor and drugs. It is curious that most ways to increase potency are easily accessible to any man and require little or no effort or special training. However, most do not dare to use "little tricks" in life.


Aphrodisiacs have been widely used to stimulate libido and sexual activity since the distant past. Traditional aphrodisiacs are herbal or animal products with unique properties. For example, aphrodisiacs such as chocolate, oysters and mussels are common in France, and ginseng, durian and ginger in China. However, many common foods are aphrodisiacs, including carrots, eggs, honey, nuts, celery, dill, and even pollen.

But the most important thing is not "what to eat", but "how" and "how much", so as not to overdo it and not spoil the evening. It is best to cook a light, tasty dish with aphrodisiacs. However, it should be rememberedthat most aphrodisiacs are allergens and therefore the possibility of allergies should be considered when choosing products.

Scents, music and romantic surroundings

Well, the crooked creaky bed, the cacophony from the next-door apartment, and the sewer smells have never contributed to an increase in sexual activity. However, many men underestimate the role of these factors, believing that comfort, light flavors, and unobtrusive music do not contribute to potency. This opinion is wrong and if you want to increase sexual activity and discover new facets, a man should take care of creating a romantic atmosphere. It is created individually according to the taste and preferences of the partners. However, there are general rules, which include the availability of clean linen, the serviceability of bathrooms, warmth and comfort, complete rest and the absence of third parties. The "accessories" of a romantic setting include candles, flowers, velvet hearts, rose petals on the bed or in the bathroom, and even lanterns. The main thing is to show imagination and spare no effort in preparation.

Another excellent sexual enhancer are fragrances, which should be light, fresh and unobtrusive. You can use scented candles, lamps, fruits or flowers.

For a romantic evening, only such music is suitable that evokes nothing but "love in the heart", and above all, does not cause unrest. The music should be muted, sounding distant, so that the partners do not have to shout over the song or be distracted.

Spirits and women's magic

It is no coincidence that men, with a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates in their hands, conquer "the fortress", the heart of their beloved. Mild alcohol intoxication contributes to the general relaxation of the body and stimulation of sexual desire. However, it should be rememberedbe reminded that the evening can be irrevocably spoiled if you don't stop in time. It is advisable to drink wines or light spirits in small quantities, of course.

Perfectly stimulate a man's sexual activity with "feminine charms", which include a partner's evening dress, beautiful underwear, hairstyle and manicure. Of course, you should not openly say to your loved one: "Put this on, make it up to you. "More correctly, invite a partner to a beauty salon, give a dress and underwear, knowing the size. So you can count on a wonderful evening with a grateful beloved.

medicines and dietary supplements

Unfortunately, most want "everything at once". As a result, in case of a violation of potency or erectile dysfunction, men rush to the nearest pharmacy to buy wonderful "pills" to increase sexual activity. You shouldn't think that drugs will solve the problem without "rewarding" side effects.

As a rule, the improper use of potency-enhancing drugs leads to allergies, cardiac ischemia, heart attack or stroke.

Dietary supplements (biologically active additives) are no less dangerous than conventional means. Manufacturers advertise supplements that focus on the natural ingredients that make up the product. However, dietary supplements can cause allergies, dyspepsia (diarrhea, flatulence) and even poisoning. As a result, a frivolous man who wants to increase sexual activity can be covered in spots or spend the evening in the closet.

risk factors

In order to prevent "problems" with potency and return to previous activity, it is recommended to follow a few rules:

  • Don't smoke, limit alcohol and minimize the consumption of fatty, high-calorie foods and don't eat in fast foods.
  • Less nervous, avoid stress.
  • Work out.
  • To relax muscles, relieve stress, have a massage, take aromatic baths.
  • Have sex regularly.
  • If you are obese, have osteochondrosis or prostatitis - do not postpone treatment.
  • Leave work at work and love at home!
  • Compliance with these recommendations will certainly lead to increased sexual activity and improve health.